venerdì 29 aprile 2016

"Perfumes I love", by Luca Turin.

Disclosure:  since we are italians, there could be a little bias in what we follow.... and Luca Turin is not a simple name, but "The Name", since his early, magnificent book "Parfums: le Guide", published during 1992-1994.
It was the book which started all (followed by many other works), and a cornerstone, especially for fragrance lovers with a passionate and "scientific" point-of-view. 
So, we are really glad to read Luca's new "perfumed" blog HERE 

"Bentornato, Professore!!" 

giovedì 28 aprile 2016

CINESCENT by Gabriela Guidetti: Chanel Nr.5 VS Moulin Rouge (April 2016)

"Je lance ma collection le 5 mai, cinquième mois de l'année, laissons lui le numéro qu'il porte et ce numéro 5 lui portera chance" (Coco Chanel)

Satine - “Christian, I'm a courtesan. I'm paid to make men believe what they want to believe” (from "Moulin Rouge")

mercoledì 20 aprile 2016

Dior Homme, Dior Homme Intense, and other stories.... (guest post)

Dear Sirs, a few years ago, during the 2000s, I had a brief stint in the cosmetic industry as a chemist. Although I am not particularly fond of those years, I am nonetheless entertained in knowing all debates about "reformulations", analyzing batch-by-batch, month-by-month, picture-by-picture. 
I especially enjoyed the ones regarding to Dior Homme, Dior Homme Intense, Dior Homme Parfum, and generically, all Dior perfumes and cosmetics. And when Andre from "Raiders" pointed out another probable reformulation occurring at the beginning of 2015, I decided to write this short note. Why? Because there is basically a very quick way to understand if a "reformulation" happened. 
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