domenica 6 ottobre 2013

How to recognize GUERLAIN perfumes.

Raiders of the Lost Scent

(disclaimer: these pages are not for commercially purposes; we are truly, genuine fragrance lovers examining hundreds of perfumes to understand the "meaning" of batch numbers, and here are the results)

Here we are going to investigate the -historically- most famous perfume house: Guerlain.
It's a bit difficult task, because Guerlain adopted several "letters and numbers", different boxes, and complicate batch-codes,  indicating "Years" and "Months". So, we should have a look at: boxes, labels, symbols and perfume "launch date", simultaneously, to obtain an additional help.

(Note: for pratical purposes this short "Guerlain Guide" will start at the mid of the Seventies. Please note that "no one is perfect" so some mistake can occur: and no one will give you 100% certainty about a secret batch code).
Let's start!

First to consider is the Blue box : 1950s
Then the Dot (or Coffee Beans") Box: = 1960s until 1967
The famous Black&White "ZigZag" box = from 1967 until 1983.
Since end of Seventies, the Estimated Sign appeared on all Guerlain boxes, so:
when we see a Black&White "ZigZag" box with the Estimated Sign, it means, approximatively = ending of Seventies / beginning of Eighties (until 1983).

After 1983 "ZigZag" boxes are not "Black&White" anymore; but made by different colors, mostly  "Black&Gold".
The "Black&Gold" ZigZag Boxes were used (with partial dismission since year 1996) until 2008 at latest, then replaced with the "pastel" ones.

However, it is important to notice that:
1- NOT all Guerlain perfumes adopted the same type boxes, and:
2- several perfumes changed different boxes during 1983-2008 (a 25 years-span),
so the situation is really complicate.

Are you in a hurry? simply check the Barcode on the box: if it is missing, it means = before 1990 and it's enough to say it's a vintage. 
Do you want to know more? simply check the "long list" of ingredients on the box. If it's missing, it means = before 2005, i.e. before the "restrictions laws" that heavily hit perfumes later.

BOXES at a glance....

Fifties (1950s) : blue boxes 

From end-of-Fifties, until 1967: 
the "dots" or "coffee beans" box.
Raiders of the Lost Scent

From 1967 to 1984/5:
the black&white ZigZag box.
(in a few cases used until 1995, with different colors)
Raiders of the Lost Scent

but please note:

if the back of the box is regular, without any square,
 then: years 1968-1979

if the back of the box contains a white square, 
then: years 1980-1984 

From 1984 until 1999
The Black&Gold box
(in a few cases used until 2007)
Raiders of the Lost Scent

From 2000 to 2007 
the Twin-G Logo on the box.


2007-2016: "plain" box
 with a small circular logo


STICKERS at a glance...
(on boxes and bottles)
useful to date perfumes before year 1976
read HERE


Interested in "reformulations"?
since 2004 all Guerlain perfumes sport the "formula" in the corner of the box, so you can easily spot the reformulations happened: read HERE


During 1976...

The classic BATCH CODE
(Remember: the first digit always indicates the YEAR; 
the second digit always indicate the MONTH. 
10 letters indicate the year: always repeated every 10 years;
12 other letters indicate months)
Here is an example: 1st letter and 2nd letter.

(from 1976 until 1980): 8 or 9 DIGITS
if the first letter is..... then.....
P= 1976
S= 1977
V= 1978
D= 1979
(from 1981 until 1983): at least 6 digits
if the first letter is:
U = 1981
Z = 1982
J =  1983
(The second letter indicates the month, according the following scheme: H=January, E=February, B=March, X=April, T=May, K=June, L=July, N=August, F=September, R=October, A=November, C=December)


(from 1984 to 1995) :  6 or 7 digits
if the first letter is:
Y = 1984
W =1985 (example: WB 6AA 1)
P = 1986
S = 1987 (example: SA 4BC 1)
V = 1988
D = 1989
At this stage, the BARCODE appears on the box
M = 1990 (example: MH 3AA 2)
U = 1991
Z = 1992  (example ZX 4BB 1)
At this stage, the GREEN DOT appears on the box
J = 1993
Y = 1994
W = 1995
(The second letter is the month, according the same scheme, so: H=January, E=February, B=March, X=April, T=May, K=June, L=July, N=August, F=September, R=October, A=November, C=December)


(from 1995 to 2001) :  5 digits
if the first letter is:
P = 1996 (example: PE A D2)
S = 1997 (example SX A S1)
V = 1998 (example VR 0 VS)
D = 1999 (example DB 0 RS)
M = 2000 (example MH 1 RP)
U = 2001 (example UT 0K 1)
(The second letter is a month according the same scheme, so:
H=January, E=February, B=March, X=April, T=May, K=June, L=July, N=August, F=September, R=October, A=November, C=December)


(from 2002 to 2007) : 4 digits starting with a number and a letter from the 1st half of alphabet (A-to-M), so:
2 = 2002 ( e.g. 2J02, but there are very few bottles with the old 5digits batch )
3 = 2003 (e.g. 3B01)
4 = 2004
Here the LONG LIST of Ingredients appears on the box
5 = 2005 (e.g. 5C01)
6 = 2006 (e.g. 6D02)
7 = 2007


SINCE 2008 : 4 digits starting with a number and a letter from the 2nd half of alphabet (N-to-Z) 
8 = 2008 (example 8R01)
9 = 2009 (example 9W02)
0 = 2010
1 = 2011 (example 1T01)
2 = 2012
3 = 2013 (example 3N01)
4 = 2014
5 = 2015 (example 5P02)
6 = 2016
7 = 2017 can go directly to "Tutorial pics" below.

(I would want to thank all people from and for helping me with all these numbers, plus "MonsieurGuerlain2", "GuerlainPerfumeBottles", and other people I don't know their name. I'll be happy to add their names on every picture and reference, on request)  

1976 (starting with "P")
Vol de Nuit, old sticker with "new" batch
PFxxxxxx = year 1976
Parure, old sticker with "new" batchcode
PTxxxxxx = year 1976
1977 (starting with "S")
Raiders of the Lost Scent

Raiders of the Lost Scent
batch SB:xxxx= YEAR 1977, March.

batch SXxxxxx = year 1977
1979 (starting with "D")
Mitsouko Extrait
batch DE 0104BB1 = February, 1979

batch DKxxxx = June, 1979
1980 ( starting with "M")
Raiders of the Lost Scent
batch MF 1056CE1 = 1980, September.

Nahema, batch MLxxxxxxx = year 1980

1981 (starting with "U")
Vol de Nuit, Parfum
batch UKxxxxx = year 1981
1982 (starting with "Z")
Raiders of the Lost Scent
batch  ZX 1IA1 = April, 1982

Raiders of the Lost Scent
(from Ebay) batch ZF2FD7 = October, 1982

Chamade, special edition, Silver&White ZigZag box,
 "Copyright 1980", batch ZB 1HC3 = March, 1982
1983 (starting with "J")
New Black&Gold boxes appear
Old B&W ZigZag boxes fading out
Raiders of the Lost Scent
(from Ebay) Mitsouko
  batch JC 3HB6 =  year 1983.
1984 ( starting with "Y")
old B&W ZigZag boxes finally discontinued.

Vol De Nuit, old box discontinued in 1983, but used until end of stocks
batch YB 4BA2 = March, 1984

Chamade, old discontinued box still used,
batch YK 3HC1 = June 1984

NAHEMA (brown zigzag bottle, copyright 1979)
batch YH3EA1 = year 1984
Raiders of the Lost Scent
-Courtesy by Rubegon (Basenotes)-
"Derby", Copyright 1983, launched in 1985
 Batch = YC 4BB 2
December 1984: very early production.

1985 ( starting with "W")

batch WT 5DA8 = year 1985

Shalimar, box without EAN bar-code
batch WE SAE1 = February, 1985 

batch WK 5DA1 = June 1985

Very rare old zigzag box 
with a year 1985 batch
1986 (6 digits, starting with "P")
batch PK... = year 1986

Vetiver EdC
batch PRxxxx = year 1986
Raiders of the Lost Scent
"Eau de Guerlain", box "Copyright Guerlain 1983",
batch codes: PK 6AC1=  year 1986
SN 7AD 2= year 1987

1987 (6 digits starting with "S")

batch SCxxxx = year 1987
1988 (6 digits, starting with "V")
Mitsouko, Parfum
batch VX 8AA3 = April, 1988

Eau de Cologne Imperiale
batch VH 7EA8 = year 1988

Eau de Cologne Imperiale
batch VT 8AA2 = May, 1988
1989 ( 6 digits, starting with "D" )
Raiders of the Lost Scent
(Thanks to Vincenzo Giordano) Nahema
 DA 9BC3 = November, 1989
Vol de Nuit,
batch DA 9BC5 = November, 1989
Nahema, copyright 1982,
batch DX 8BB12 = April, 1989

Vetiver, Eau de Cologne
batch  DT 9BB2 = May, 1989
1989-1990: EAN barcode 
appears on the boxes 

here is an example of EAN Barcode:

1990 ( 6 digits, starting with "M")

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Chamade with EAN barcode
 MH 9DA6, = January, 1990 

Raiders of the Lost Scent
(from Ebay) Habit Rouge, 
MH 0AA1= January 1990

Raiders of the Lost Scent
(from Ebay) MF 0BB 8 (6 digits starting with MF)
= September, 1990

1991 ( 6 digits, starting with "U" )
Raiders of the Lost Scent
Habit Rouge
batch UR 1FA 1 = year 1991

Eau de Guerlain
batch UA 1CA2 = November, 1991

batch UA 1GA3 = November, 1991
1992 ( 6 digits, starting with "Z" )

Shalimar, EdC "montre" bottle
batch ZF 2BD 3 = September, 1992
Raiders of the Lost Scent
Habit Rouge
batch ZF2BB1 = September, 1992

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Heritage EDT 
ZK 2CE2= June, 1992 
1993 (6 digits, starting with "J")
Raiders of the Lost Scent
(from Ebay) Jicky, refillable bottle 
batch JB 2DC7 = March, 1993

Eau du Coq
batch  JX 2GA5 = April, 1992

Raiders of the Lost Scent
(Courtesy by Rubegon) 
Heritage,  batch JK 2118 = June, 1993

1994 (6 digits, starting with "Y")
Samsara, Parfum, special edition "Metorites"
batch  YC 4EF4 = December, 1994

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Petit Guerlain, 
batch YK 4AB1 = June, 1994

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Eau de Cologne imperiale,
batch YE 4AA 1 = February, 1994
Chant d'Aromes, 30ml special edition
batch YC 4HA4 = December, 1994
1995 ( 6 digits, starting with "W")
it's the last year with 6-digits batches
"Un Air de Samsara"
batch WB 5AC2 = March, 1995

Parure, 30 ml special edition
batch  WK 5CA1 = June, 1995

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Un Air de Samsara, launched in 1995:
code starting with WF, year 1995
Raiders of the Lost Scent
Un Air de Samsara, launched in 1995,
batch number starting with WH = year 1995


5-digits batches

1996 ( 5 digits, starting with "P")
it's the first year with 5-digits batches
Raiders of the Lost Scent
Habit Rouge, year 1996: first time 5-digits batches

Raiders of the Lost Scent
(Courtesy by Dofa91 Ville). Heritage,
batch PH 1F2 = January, 1996

1997 ( 5 digits, starting with "S")
Raiders of the Lost Scent
Heritage EDT,
batch SX0W3 = April, 1997

Raiders of the Lost Scent
-Courtesy by Luca del Forno- Champs Elysèes
batch code SA 1C9 = November, 1997
1998 ( 5 digits, starting with "V")
Raiders of the Lost Scent
(from Ebay) Heritage:
 batch VRxxx = October, 1998

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Coriolan , "Copyright 1997"
"VR 2LO"  = October, 1998.

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Vetiver, Copyright 1996, 
batch VR 1S1 = October, 1998

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Coriolan EDT,
 "VR 0 VR"
= October, 1998

1999 (5 digits, starting with "D")

Belle Epoque (limited edition)
batch DX0VD = April, 1999

batch DR18E = October, 1999

batch DK 0BR = June, 1999

Raiders of the Lost Scent
batch DB 0FS = March, 1999

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Batch DT 0N2 = May 1999

batch DK 0KP = June, 1999
2000 (5 digits, starting with "M")
Raiders of the Lost Scent
(from Ebay) Vol de Nuit
MT12N = year 2000

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Mahora EDP, 
MF 0MB= September, 2000

Meteorites, EdT
batch MB11Y = March, 2000

Cherry Blossom
batch MT113 = May, 2000

batch MR0K6 = October, 2000
2001 ( 5 digits, starting with "U" )
it's the last  year with 5-digits batches
Raiders of the Lost Scent
"UT 01K" = May, 2001
Jicky, Parfum, black&gold box
batch UE 1JC = Februeary, 2001

Habit Rouge, special edition
batch UL 2G0 = July, 2001

SINCE 2002: 
4-digits batch code
2002-2007: letters A-to-M
since 2008: letters N-to-Z
VERY RARE bottle
Habit Rouge year 2002 with the old 5-digits batch
ZE 1CN = February, 2002

2002-2007:  4 digits, letters A-to-M
A= January, B=February, C= March, D=April, etc.
Raiders of the Lost Scent
2J01 =  year 2002

Habit Rouge
batch 4K03 = year 2004
Since 2005: 
list of allergens/ingredients on the box

Chamade, batch 5E01 = year 2005

Raiders of the Lost Scent
Lilia Bella,
batch 5C01 = March, 2005

L'Instant pour femme
batch 5E01 = year 2005

Purple Fantasy
Batch 6D01 = year 2006

Aqua Allegoria "Herba Fresca"
batch 6Q01 = year 2006
Vol de Nuit Evasion
batch 7G01 = year 2007
Aqua Allegoria Pamplelune
batch 7M01 = year 2007
since 2008 ( letters from N-to-Z)
Aqua Allegoria Figue-Iris
batch 8N01 = year 2008
Samsara EdT
batch 8X01 = year 2008
batch 9X01 = year 2009
Champs Elysees
batch 9V01 = year 2009

L'Instant de Guerlain pour Homme
batch 0Z01 = 2010, December

Samsara EdT
batch 0S01 = year 2010

batch 1T01 = year 2011

Raiders of the Lost Scent
"Jasminora", launched in 2011 as limited edition
1Q01 = year 2011
La Petite Robe Noire
batch 2R01 = year 2012
Idylle Eau Sublime
batch 2P01 = year 2012
La Petite Robe Noire Eau Parfumee
batch 3X01 = year 2013
L'Instant pour Femme
batch 4N01 = year 2014

La Petite Robe Noire
batch 4X02 = year 2014
La Petite Robe Noire
batch 5N01 = January, 2015


Previously we recognized, batch-by-batch, year-by-year:
-YVES SAINT LAURENT perfumes ( here )
-CHRISTIAN DIOR perfumes  ( here )
-GIORGIO ARMANI Perfumes ( here )
-VAN CLEEF et ARPELS perfumes ( here )
-CHANEL perfumes ( here )
-BVLGARI perfumes ( here )
-HERMES perfumes ( here )

(ITALIAN) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In precedenza, si è parlato dei profumi di Yves Saint Laurent ( qui ),
quelli di Christian Dior ( qui ).
e quelli di Giorgio Armani ( qui )
Adesso andiamo a vedere la Maison storicamente più importante: Guerlain.

E' un po' complicato, perché Guerlain ha adottato un insieme di "lettere e numeri", scatole diverse, batchcodes complicati, per indicare anni e mesi di produzione. Quindi, dovremmo dare un'occhiata a: scatole, etichette, simboli e anno di lancio dei profumi, tutto contemporaneamente. .
(Nota: ai fini pratici questa breve "Guida Guerlain" comincia all' inizio degli anni Ottanta).
Ma a che serve sapere l'anno di produzione? Per due motivi: il primo è puramente di curiosità: ("voglio sapere quanto è vecchio il mio profumo di tanti anni fa").
Il secondo motivo, più sottile, è sapere "quanto" il profumo può essere stato "riformulato", conoscendo  approssimativamente le date in cui i profumi sono stati, appunto, "riformulati".
Quindi: se si vuol avere il profumo "vintage" quindi, è bene che sia almeno risalente a prima del 2007, e meglio ancora se prima del 2000.
Se poi riuscite a trovarne di prima del 1992, avete trovato il tesoro.

Ma abbiamo fatto fin troppe  chiacchiere: mettiamoci all'opera! (aiutandosi con le fotografie)
se andate di fretta, controllate solo se sulla scatola ci sia o meno il codice a barre: se non c'è, il profumo risale a prima del 1990, e quindi può essere considerato un vero vintage.
Altrimenti controllate se c'è la "lista lunga" degli ingredienti: se manca il profumo è prima del 2005 e quindi, probabilmente, ha evitato tutto il processo di "riformulazioni" avvenuto dopo il 2007.

Procedendo in maniera analitica: quando ci troviamo di fronte alla celebre scatola bianca e nera "ZigZag" ("Black&White"), significa = dal 1967 fino al 1983. Sono questi infatti gli anni in cui questa inconfondibile scatola è rimasta in produzione. Dalla fine degli anni Settanta, appare l'Estimated Sign su tutte le scatole di Guerlain, così quando vediamo una scatola bianconera "ZigZag" con l'Estimated Sign, significa, approssimativamente = fine Anni Settanta / inizio anni Ottanta (fino al 1983).
Dopo il 1983 le scatole "ZigZag" non sono più bianche e nere; ma di colori diversi, per lo più "nero&oro" ("Black&Gold").

Le scatole ZigZag nero e oro sono stati utilizzate (con dismissione parziale nel corso degli anni, a partire dal 1996) fino al 2008, e poi, dal 2008 sostituite con quelle "pastello".

A questo punto le cose sono già confuse, e in più è importante notare che:
1 - Non tutti i profumi Guerlain hanno adottato le stesse scatole, e:
2 - diversi profumi hanno cambiato confezione scatole nel lasso di tempo dal 1983-2008 (praticamente 25 anni...)
quindi la situazione è davvero complicata.

In questo caso, la cosa più importante per identificate l'anno di produzione è andare a vedere il numero di serie.. Quindi dobbiamo conoscere ....

(Ricorda: il primo carattere è sempre l'anno; il secondo è sempre il mese)

(dal 1976 al 1980): 8 or 9 cifre (sempre su ZigZag white boxes)
quale è la prima lettera?
S= 1977
V= 1978
D= 1979

(dal 1981 al 1983)6-caratteri (sempre scatole bianche ZigZag)
quale è la prima lettera?:
U = 1981
Z = 1982
J =  1983
(la seconda lettera è il msese, secondo il seguente schema: H=January, E=February, B=March, X=April, T=May, K=June, L=July, N=August, F=September, R=October, A=November, C=December)

(dal 1984 al 1995) (non sono più prodotte le scatole bianche ZigZag)
vengono utilizzati 6 o 7 caratteri
quale è la prima lettera?
Y = 1984
W =1985 (example: WB 6AA 1)
P = 1986
S = 1987 (example: SA 4BC 1)
V = 1988
D = 1989
Qui comincia ad apparire il codice a barre sulla scatola
M = 1990 (example: MH 3AA 2)
U = 1991
Z = 1992  (example ZX 4BB 1)
J = 1993
Y = 1994
W = 1995
(la seconda lettera è sempre il mese secondo il seguente schema: H=January, E=February, B=March, X=April, T=May, K=June, L=July, N=August, F=September, R=October, A=November, C=December)

(dal 1996 al 2001) 
vengono utilizzati SOLO 5 carattericominciando con: 
P = 1996
S = 1997 (example SX AS 1)
V = 1998 (example VR 0 VS)
D = 1999 (example DB 0 RS)
M = 2000 (example MH 1 RP)
U = 2001 (example UT 0K 1)
(idem come prima per quanto riguarda i mesi: 
H=January, E=February, B=March, X=April, T=May, K=June, L=July, N=August, F=September, R=October, A=November, C=December)

(dal 2002 al 2007) : 
4 caratteri , cominciando con un numero, e successivamente 
una lettera della PRIMA metà dell'alfabeto (A-M)
2 = 2002 (example 2J02)
3 = 2003
4 = 2004
Qui appare la lista lunga degli ingredienti sulla scatola
5 = 2005 (example 5C01)
6 = 2006
7 = 2007

dal 2008 
4 caratteri , cominciando con un numero, 
e successivamente una lettera della SECONDA metà dell'alfabeto (N-Z)
8 = 2008
9 = 2009 (example 9W02)
0 = 2010
1 = 2011 (example 1T01)
2 = 2012
3 = 2013 (example 3N01)
4 = 2014
5 = 2015
Sapendo questi codici è relativamente facile capire , più  o meno, a che anno risalgono i vostri profumi Guerlain.

(please note: this short "Guerlain Guide" is at 90% accurate and tested with dozens of boxes and bottles; however, no one is perfect, and some mistakes could occur. This guide was written by a genuine perfume lover as a tribute to beloved Guerlain perfumes, without any other purpose)

17 commenti:

  1. Great Information to buy online

    .. I am waiting for your next post

  2. hello,

    I have a question, if my box has no batch numbers nor does my bottle, which si a recharge vaporisateur of Mitsouko, should I assume that it is a fake?

    1. if the perfume smells like Mitsouko, with a longevity of about 4-5 hours at least.....well, it's authentic.
      However, sometimes labels on bottle could have been removed (phenomenon of "grey market")
      It's strange not to see any code on the box, too.

  3. i got a box today, at a closth cleaning, boxed and wel, there is the 5m01, its mitsouko edt bath numer also on the bottel,
    under the box its also written in arabic? is that fake? even the smell is not for 4 hours on my arm.

    1. Hi sapphire,
      it's year 2005, it should be a "yellow and gold" box.
      Yes, there are arabic letters on the bottom of the box. apparently it's not a fake.

  4. Hi ,I've got a 7,5 ml 6 digit Shalimar ,without the box.I have a big questionmark regarding the way it was sealed: instead of the usual cord it had a small transparent plastic around the neck.Is this seal in fact a fake one,did they ever put a plastic collar instead of a cord ?
    Please help me solve the mystery.
    Thank you !!!!!

    1. Yes! Many perfumes had a small "plastic collar" around the bottle. Enjoy your Shalimar!

  5. Thank you ! I would have enjoyed as is in a past life ,when beeing an arab , but in this one I will need to combine it to transform it in a feminine scent :-) .
    It's rather suitable for an english governess type of person.

    A big THANK YOU to your work and efforts !

  6. Hi Andre , I am trying to locate in time another Guerlain:ZB1CB4 in a golden zig-zag box ,pre barcode and with no double G logo.
    Please help me out this time again.
    Merci Beaucoup !!!!

    1. Hi, it *could* be March 1992. Producers used often old boxes until end of stocks, applying the barcode on the cellophane. You could have hints by the shape of the bottle, too.

  7. Thank you.
    It's the golden cilindrical canister,refillable of course.

  8. This has been a really helpful blog post. I am new to collecting and knowing what to look for with the codes allowed me to avoid purchases where the item was described as vintage, but the batch was within the last decade. Thank you!

  9. hi there,
    i did read about Samsara extrait de parfum in bottels of 15-35ml
    i have a bottle of 30ml extrait de parfum, code yn 4cd 2, even i did look around the web, i can not believe it is not real,,, even i don't know what year it may have been. any idea if it is real or not?
    thanks in advance

    1. Hi Sapphire, batch 4Cd2 = year 2004.
      Extrait bottles of with an amount of "30 ml" are perfectly legit.
      cheers, Laura

    2. Hello,

      After learning that Shalimar Parfum Initial is being discontinued last month, I purchased 4 bottles from Amazon.

      The cellophane on the outer boxes didn't seem fully adhered.

      The box and the appearance of the bottles seemed normal. The code on the bottom is 3Y01.

      I opened two of the four bottles. One cap seemed oddly loose.

      The longevity seemed to be 30 minutes. Very short-lived!

      It didn't have the same beautiful scent I experienced with previous bottles.

      I got itchy and red where I sprayed it on my neck.

      So, my question is: have you heard of people using genuine/authentic boxes and perfume bottles, and, filling them with fake/counterfeit perfumes?

      Thank you in advance for your consideration and for sharing your thoughts


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