Raiders of the Lost Scent
A Journey into the Realm of Lost Perfumes.
martedì 21 luglio 2015
Seven Ads for Seven Days (July2015 /w29)
Year 1969
Fleur de Feu, year 1950
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lunedì 13 luglio 2015
Seven Ads for Seven Days (July2015 /w28)
Antaeus, Chanel, year 1988
Coco, Chanel, year 1984
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mercoledì 8 luglio 2015
"CineScent", by Gabriela Guidetti (July 2015)
"White Linen"
Out Of Africa"
A great movie, put together with a great scent.
A story narrated by Gabriela Guidetti.
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giovedì 2 luglio 2015
Seven Ads for Seven Days (July2015 /w27)
Year 1984
Year 1973
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